Application Process and Timeline
Our application process for an Educational Project Grant follows the following steps:
- Submit application: Applications should be submitted via our website.
- Please first take the time to review the eligibility criteria that your organisation and project must meet before you apply.
- We accept applications ahead of our twice-yearly Trustee meetings. Applications must be submitted by mid-February to be considered at our May/June meeting or by mid-August to be considered our November/December meeting.
- Submit documentation: Following an initial screening you will be asked to provide the following documentation:
- Latest charity accounts
- Child protection policy
- Any other documentation to support our due diligence process
- Interview: Following an initial screening applicants will be asked to meet with one or more of the Trustees to discuss the project in detail. Depending upon location interviews will take place in person (our preference) or as a video call.
- Trustee Meeting: The Trustees meet twice-yearly to agree which projects have been successful in applying for funding
- Notification and Payment if successful.
Application Form
The online application form opens in a new tab.