In June 2021, Hazel’s Footprints Trust provided a grant of £6,500 to Champion Chanzige for the renovation of two classrooms at a primary school in Tanzania. The school is Kibasila Primary School in Kisaware district. Below is a write-up of the results of a questionnaire completed by students and teachers on how the renovation has affected them.
Report from Founder of Champion Chanzige
This past June, Hazel’s Footprints Trust generously provided a grant of £6500 to Champion Chanzige that funded the renovation of two classrooms at Kibasila Primary School, Kisaware District, Tanzania. Part of the project was to conduct follow-up surveys of students and teachers regarding the impact of the
renovated classrooms upon the school community.
Two questionnaires written in Swahili, one administered to 47 students who use the classrooms and a second to 10 school teachers, were completed the week of November 15th, six months after the completion of the renovation.
Results indicate that 100 percent of the teachers strongly agreed or agreed that the renovated classrooms improve the school’s facilities, and positively impacts students’ motivation, attendance, interest, and participation in school activities and learning. All ten teachers strongly agreed that the classrooms facilitate teaching effectiveness and enjoyment of teaching. These are important factors since a motivated and engaged teacher creates a positive learning environment that promotes student academic performance.
98 percent of the students responded YES when asked if the renovated classrooms facilitate learning, motivation to attend school, and enjoyment of learning and whether the school is a better place for learning. Being in a safe, comfortable and positive learning environment has many benefits, not the least of which is mitigation of student drop out and facilitating academic success that qualifies students to attend secondary school.
On behalf of the students and teachers of Kibasila Primary School, Champion Chanzige offers sincerest thanks to all those involved with Hazel’s Footprints and the financial support the Trust provided that made the classroom renovation project possible.
Philippa Jacobs,
Founder Champion Chanzige