The London HFT Burns Night extravaganza was a great success and raised over £2,200 from about 20 different events and proved highly popular so if you missed out this year it would be great if you could run one next year on Burns Night in January. London HFT have also been spending their hard won cash on a teacher project in Viet Nam and more recently another one in Kenya providing sports equipment for a school. so click on our Third Aims page to read more.
After last years Cielidh success the London committee is holding their event in the Hurlingham Club which allows a later finish so more reeling can be fitted in on Saturday the 1st of August. Some may say it is a brave move in the current economic climate, but come on, we need to be cheered up a bit with a good night out and for a good cause. Remember Red Nose Day hit a record amount raised this year in spite of all the gloom and the Cielidh was such a huge success story last year.
Image credit: Jessica Bach